1 minute read

In my Computer Organization and Architecture class this fall, we learned a lot about the components of computers. One of the topics we covered was on caching. I spent a lot of time making sure I understood it, only for it to be completely absent from the final :(
So, I am writing down the process my classmates and I worked out during our exam study session.

Here’s a demonstration on how to find the total amount of bits in a direct-mapped cache:

Given that the cache contains \(16\)KiB of data, has a block size of \(4\) words, and is using a \(32\)-bit address, find the total SRAM required in bits.

  • We first need to find know the cache size in the form of \(2^n\) blocks.
    • \(16\) KiB \(*\) \(1024\) bytes/KiB \(*\) \(8\) bits/byte \(= 131072\) bits
    • \(4\) words/block \(*\) \(32\) bits/word \(= 128\) bits/block
    • \(131072/128 = 1024\) blocks
    • \(\log_2(1024) = 10 = n\).
  • Then, we need to find know the block size in \(2^m\) words:
    • \(\log_2(4) = 2 = m\).
  • The tag size is address size minus \(n\) minus \(m\) minus \(2\), or \(32 - n - m - 2\)
    • making \(32 - 10 - 2 - 2 = 18\) bits.
  • the total bits of SRAM needed for a direct-mapped cache is:
    • the number of blocks \(*\) (block bit size \(+\) the tag \(+\) the valid bit)
    • equaling \(1024*(128 + 18 + 1) = 150528\) bits of SRAM
    • the SRAM is \(150528 / 131072 = 1.15\) times as large as the cache size, or \(15\%\) bigger.


